September 8, 2024

How Insurance and Rehab Coverage Can Save An Alcoholic Person?

  • May 23, 2022
  • 6 min read
How Insurance and Rehab Coverage Can Save An Alcoholic Person?

We all can agree when we say that we have been addicted to something at least once in our lifetimes. I, for sure, can say that I have been addicted to videogames to the point I was unable to sleep at proper times, whereas some people might have been addicted to other more common things like gambling, casual sex, the internet, and social media, shopping, and even eating!

However, there is a particular category of addiction that is considered a lot more dangerous, and this category is commonly known as substance abuse disorder. Inside of this category, the most common type of addiction we can find is definitely alcohol abuse, and believe it or not, it has the potential of completely wrecking a person’s life while affecting the people surrounding them, especially if the problem remains not tackled long-term.

Luckily, alcohol addiction can be treated, and the most common way to tackle it is through a medical process known as rehabilitation. This is the main reason why relying on insurance and rehab coverage can greatly increase the chances of a patient overcoming its addiction and the main reason why providers like UMR insurance rehab are trusted by a lot of people, especially when it comes to rehab needs.

But to understand the actual value of rehab coverage provided by health insurance, understanding it and its many difficulties is essential, especially because of how complicated the process actually is.

Why is Alcohol as Addictive?

The reason alcohol is as addictive as it varies greatly depending on each individual, making it so not all rehabilitation practices can be efficient for all patients. This is mainly because of both physiological and psychological factors.

Most of the time, though, dependency on alcohol is created because of a psychological need, heavily linking said dependency to the overall mental health of the person involved. This is why depression, anxiety, and high levels of stress can play an important role in making a regular person an alcoholic. 

Of course, physical aspects can also be mentioned, especially since alcohol is well known for stimulating the production of dopamine, the one known as the “happy” hormone, heavily linked to satisfaction and pleasure.

The body then becomes addicted to dopamine, craving for more and more while at the same time, becoming tolerant to its effects, thus, slowly but steadily making the body need more drinks to produce the same effect.  Mentally speaking, this dopamine works as a form of painkiller and antidepressant, aiding people during hard times, but slowly turning it into a necessary panacea to handle their problems. 

The biggest problem with this addiction, as covered here, is the alcoholic’s inability to control themselves and stop consuming the substance, even when the substance itself can completely hinder their lives, and this can happen because of two things: First, the need to consume it to actually feel good, and secondly, because of something known as withdrawal.

Detoxification and Withdrawal

Usually, a common practice when it comes to rehabilitation is the detoxification process. As the name implies, it is the process that involves completely stopping the consumption of alcohol to accustom the mind and body, and completely detox the system.

The biggest challenge that patients usually face when it comes to rehabilitation is what comes during and after the detoxification: the withdrawal. Withdrawal is the physical and mental response to the lack of the substance, which in this case is alcohol, and depending on how intense the dependency is, said symptoms can be a considerable trial, which might even be considered a type of torture by some patients. Even if the professional facility handling the patient is top tier, the patient also needs to put some effort, motivation, and discipline into the process, especially because of the withdrawal.

Usually, withdrawal involves dealing with tremors, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stress, and anxiety as well as insomnia, nightmares, excessive sweating, headaches, increased blood pressure and heart rate, and lastly, problems with concentration. Sadly, there is more, and withdrawal usually gets worse the more time you spend engaging in a detoxification process, and when cases are severe, a patient might also deal with extreme agitation, seizures, fever, and several types of hallucinations, including visual, auditory and tactile.

You can check more details at https://www.healthline.com/health/alcoholism/withdrawal

Insurance, Rehab, and Facilities

As mentioned early on, one particular trait of rehab is the fact that not all approaches function the same way for all individuals. This is because some people might have to deal with stronger and more intense withdrawal symptoms, while others might deal with mild consequences. 

On the other hand, some people might have a specific reason to be as dependent on alcohol as they are, whereas others might have more simplistic reasons specifically linked to physical dependency, thus, rehab is all about finding the right approach for each case.

Now, insurance can make things a lot easier for a patient wanting to go through rehab or a family member of the individual that wants to do something about it. Something you have to understand is that rehabilitation can be pricey, even more, when residential care is mixed into the formula.

Residential care is the type of rehab that allows patients to stay in a facility while they receive treatment, guidance, therapy, and engage in different routines meant to help their physical and mental health, from training to group therapies.

As you might have expected, it is not cheap, but it can be easily enjoyed with the help of an insurance policy. In summary, having insurance makes it easier to enjoy all the benefits of a rehab facility without having to sacrifice too much time, effort, and money, while at the same time greatly increasing the chances of the rehab process being successful.

Considering that a lot of health care policies provide rehab benefits because it is considered a general healthcare practice, you should try to take advantage of it as much as you can, even more, if you or a family member is going through addiction. The faster you do it, the better! 

Read Also: avple


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